

K3 Residency Programme 2019/2020

Frist: Montag, 13. August 2018

No video selected.

Seit 2007 vergibt K3 in jeder Spielzeit achtmonatige Residenzen an drei Choreograph*innen. Das in dieser Form international einmalige Residenzprogramm richtet sich an internationale Choreograph*innen, die am Beginn ihrer beruflichen Karriere stehen und bereits erste eigene choreographische Arbeiten realisiert haben. Die Residenz beginnt Mitte August und dauert bis Mitte April des darauffolgenden Jahres.

Auf Grundlage eines Arbeitsvorhabens bietet die Residenz Zeit und Raum für künstlerische Recherche und Forschung. Ziel ist eine enge Verbindung von choreographischer Praxis, Recherche/Forschung, künstlerischer Produktion und Qualifizierung. Zum Abschluss der Residenz präsentieren die Choreograph*innen eine abendfüllende Produktion.

Application Requirements:

•   The applicant must be at the beginning of his/her career and should have already implemented some projects of his/her own.

•   The applicant is available for the entire duration of the residency from August 2019 until April 2020 in Hamburg.

•   The applicant is willing to participate in K3’s outreach programme and other events at K3.

•   The applicant is interested both in engaging in exchange with other artists, as well as with an interested audience.

•   The applicant already has some experience in / is interested in dealing with choreography on a discursive level, reflecting her/his ownwork, as well as working in a self-organised manner.

•   Only applications by individuals can be accepted. Applications by teams or ensembles cannot be taken into consideration.

•   We accept applications in all choreographic fields (also dance for young audience for example). There is no pre-setting or exclusion.


The residency programme covers:

•   a monthly scholarship

•   a production budget for the performances at the end of the residency

•   use of the K3 studios

•   support from the K3 team in the fields of dramaturgy, organisation, technical assistance, and public relations

•   active participation in the K3 outreach programme

•   optional: participation in regular professional training and other workshops offered at K3

•   optional: participation in the “MA-Performance Studies” programme at the University of Hamburg


Required Application Documents:

The application period for the residency in the 2019/20 season begins June 15 2018.

The deadline is August 13 2018 (11:59pm central European time).