

Horizons 2017

Frist: Samstag, 12. November 2016

No video selected.

The HORIZONS “Arts-Nature” in Sancy event, programmed for 24th June till 24th September 2017, will be the eleventh contemporary art based event. The pieces are short-lived and specifically made for the Sancy massif (heart of the Massif Central in France).
Managed by the Sancy Tourist Office, the call for projects involves the creation of 10 works of art into the territory of The Sancy Massif Community of Municipalities.
This event is first and foremost a site specific project which likes to think of itself as long lasting and which involves all the local authorities and players in the tourist trade concerned.
Horizons “Arts-Nature” in Sancy is an artistic event of national influence and freely accessible; it is aimed at people of all kinds, informed or not.
The works of art will be put up in places where they highlight the surrounding countryside’s qualities. Discovery trails and Art workshops for children are held around the art piece in order to mediate their content.

Selection method:
- The ineligibility of the selected artists for 2 years
Now, artists have been selected for an edition of the event Horizons “Arts-Nature" in Sancy will be subject to a period of ineligibility of two years from the year of selection. This means that a selected artist Horizons 2013 will not APPLY before the 2016 edition or an artist present at Horizons 2014 will again become eligible from Horizons 2017. This development is based on the will of the organizers to further open the selection of new candidates.

- The event is opened to all. Artists are selected by a committee including elected representatives, members of civil society and qualified members (arts centre, DRAC Regional Cultural Affairs Department, artists).

- Are involved as "young talent", students, alone or in team, of Schools of Art, Architecture, Landscape, in penultimate or final year of degree course or have graduated maximum for 2 years.

- The selection of artists is deliberately national and international.

- The selection committee will select a young talent (alone or in teams) among 10 artists selected (depending on the quality and feasibility of proposed projects).

- The selection committee’s decisions are final and candidates will be informed personally of them on March; the jury will not have to justify its decisions. To make selection easier, the jury is entitled to request further information from candidates.


Art grant:
a grant totalling €8,000 including VAT will be given to each artist (or team) selected including €6.500 for artistic fees and €1.500 for rights of authors.
This budget will be managed entirely by the artist and approved by the organizer. The budget must cover all expenses necessary to carry out the work. The artist manages the project from A to Z to find out all the tasks of the organization, research suppliers, requests for quote, logistics for delivery and routing of materials