m20d20 Global Village
Frist: Montag, 30. September 2019

Festival: 23. – 25. January 2020 Location: Flachau, Austria
Application Deadline: Monday 30th September 2019
minus20degree is now accepting proposals for our 5th edition in January 2020 >> m20d20. minus20degree (m20d) is a winter outdoor festival for contemporary art and architecture. In January 2020 m20d will celebrate its 5th anniversary. minus20degree2020 is looking for artists that can produce artworks in the field of sound art, video-art, performance, installation and land art. m20d wants to provide a platform for art that is radical, provocative and founded. m20d is independent, thus does not need to please or go easy on the audience. The main material is the landscape and all it can offer combined with electronic media, performance and installations. As landscape elements m20d can provide, rivers, mountain tops, ski slopes and forests. Hopefully there is plenty of snow as material or backdrop for your artwork. The art works should be as ephemeral as the snow.
Application is open to individuals, pairs or groups at any stage of their career. Applicants must be over 18 and not in full time education. How to Apply Please send the following in a single pdf Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! by Monday 30th September 2019: A written proposal max. 1 A4 clearly and concisely describing the project you wish to produce, the ideas behind it and how the budget will be spent Up to two A4 pages visualization and technical explanation of the intervention / artwork Contact details including name, phone number and website address Jury The jury consist of international established experts: Anna Vasof (Artist, Vienna) Brigitte Felderer (die Angewandte, Vienna) Arno van Roosmalen (director Stroom, the Hague) t.b.c. Thorsten Sadowsky (director Museum der Moderne, Salzburg) Stefanos Filippas & Theo Deutinger (artistic directors m20d20)
- Tags: Ausstellung, Festival, Medienkunst, Theater