Frist: Sonntag, 27. Juni 2021

We open our 2nd call for our international online-offline festival TENDER ABSENCE. Let’s go glocal: show|real needs your ideas for a playful get-together performance programme. Submit your application and create a glocal audience-pleaser. The audience-voting ticketsales system will decide which performances will get through to the final. The three finalists will receive a production budget of 3000 € each. show|real is for passionate explorers of digital or hybrid formats of events. Investigating video calls, games, audio or mute performances, walks with a camera or celebrating a ‘glocality’ party – there are no limits to the format.. Explore ‘the show’ as well as aspects of local and global living. What is your city and neighbourhood engaged in? Which local specifics do I want to share with others and link to a global perspective? What can I hear, make tangibly available for my audience and realise in a gripping happening? Check it out and apply until 27th June: https://td.ongoing-project.org/open_call_lone_some_2021.pdf