TECHNE 2016/17
Frist: Montag, 12. September 2016
Ein neues Projekt ist in der Mache: TECHNE – ein Projekt von Theater Rampe und Künstlerhaus Stuttgart. Als Produktionsplattform für darstellende und visuelle Kunst reflektiert TECHNE das Wechselverhältnis zwischen Kunst und Technologie. Jetzt werden in einem ersten Schritt Künstler*innen gesucht.
Taking the form of a performing and visual arts production platform, TECHNE explores and reflects upon interrelationships between the fields of art and technology. The project extends between November 2016 and December 2017 and is presented through various formats, such as workshops, performances, dinners, talks and conversations, culminating in a festival at Theater Rampe and an exhibition at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart in November 2017.
TECHNE offers
- core finance and fundraising support
- A work space and the possibility to stay in Stuttgart for up to 4 weeks
- Technical and dramaturgical/curatorial support
- Assistance for cooperations with regional high tech-companies and research institutions
- public presentation within the running program, a festival or exhibition at Theater Rampe or Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
- for production and research in Stuttgart the time frame is: November 2016 – November 2017
Proposals have to include
- a project description (1-2 pages) with supporting visual material (maximum size 2 MB)
- a budget calculation, if co-production and fundraising possibilities are available please include
- a portfolio or CV including contact details and if available, website link
- Tags: Darstellende Kunst, Visuelle Kunst