

Over het IJ Festival

Frist: Montag, 28. März 2016

No video selected.

Over het IJ Festival has started the selection process for a special edition of the successful Sea Container Project, which the festival yearly produces over more than ten years. The Sea Container Project is the playground of the festival, from where many young theatre makers have started their careers within the festival or within the theatre field in general. The Project is an invitation to practise working site specific and to show your work to a critical, but open minded and enthusiastic audience, that adds to the development of your artistic work.
With a unique contemporary programme and mingled audience is Over het IJ Festival the site specific theatre festival of Amsterdam. The city and all connected stories, questions and developments are the starting point of the festival programme, presenting work of theatre makers with a connection to urban themes.

All graduate students and theatre makers of 2016 and all who graduated in the years 2014 or 2015 from artschools in The Netherland, Europe or anywhere else in the world, are invited to apply for this special project. From all the applications the artistic team of the festival will choose 10 theatre makers to join the programme.

Every theatre maker will have a personal artistic coach.
The producer will take care of the practical development and support and during the last phase of the process there will be a technical team available. Every participant will receive a compensation of 1000 euro. There will be some budget for décor, props and technical equipment and eventually travel expenses.
Over het IJ Festival will take care of the basic infrastructure, like electricity and a backstage space with water and catering facilities.