Frist: Montag, 09. Dezember 2024

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ART FROM SCRATCH FullSpinOFF - Winter Edition 18th of December, 15-21 pm in present space | lab, Kreuzeskirchstraße 25 Essen reimbursed opportunity, 8 spots OPEN CALL for artists to share their ideas in progress ART FROM SCRATCH is a collaboration between the physical theater network, IG Tanz and space I lab.

We invite you to a chilled & caring environment to verbally or artistically share your ideas or work in progress in a way that best fits you. We will introduce and learn how to use different feedback methods. We will spend a day together to share, exchange, feedback and grow our imperfect ideas together. Co-Working and Co-creating.

What we offer: -a space and live-audience for try outs, ideas and experiments -a guided feedback format with different approaches -feedback from artists of different artistic backgrounds -reimbursed opportunity to share the process of your work -option to participate just as an audience/feedback member -a relaxed and cute community day, no pressure

Who can join: -Artists from various artistic backgrounds including video art, literature, visual arts, dance and physical theater… -an academic background is not a requirement -You can share anything from drafts to almost completed projects, including scenes, a text, a piece of music, a concept idea, a sketch, a powerpoint… -You can choose the type of feedback or exchange you need

Hard Facts: -limited space available, contact us if you’re unsure whether it fits your needs: -Presentation should last 10 to 20 minutes per person/group -how you present your project is up to you. We can offer minimal tech support (projector, speakers, small stage-like area)

How to register? Registration via Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! with the following information: -Brief introduction of yourself -Are you planning to share? If yes what are you planning to share? 1-2 sentences -Technical needs & space options -Feel free to let us know your accessibility needs so that we can think about them -Preferred language (German or English) -Intolerances and food allergies

Background Information: The Physical Theatre Network (PTN) is a non-profit association in NRW that aims to promote physical theatre as an art form and facilitate networking among artists. Physical theatre has become an important part of the independent performing arts scene in the Ruhr region and NRW, contributing with impactful productions, events, and festivals. Since 2012, PTN has organized various formats like the international Physical Theatre Full Spin Festival and the regional FETZ Festival. In 2024, they introduced the FullSpinOFF format, which focuses on bringing physical theatre to the streets and squares of the Ruhr metropolitan area to engage with new audiences and collaborators. The project emphasizes active communication with local actors and communities, providing opportunities for open playground and networking events. One of the initiatives under FullSpinOFF is ART FROM SCRATCH, a collaboration with space l lab and IG TANZ.

german summary:

Am 18. Dezember findet von 15 bis 21 Uhr Art From Scratch statt. Es handelt sich um eine bezahlte Gelegenheit für Künstler:innen, ihre Ideen und Arbeitsstände mit anderen Artists zu teilen. Die Veranstaltung wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Physical Theatre Network, der IG Tanz und dem space I lab durchgeführt. Die Teilnehmer:innen werden eingeladen, ihre Ideen oder laufenden Arbeiten in einer entspannten und fürsorglichen Umgebung verbal oder künstlerisch zu präsentieren. Es werden verschiedene Feedback-Methoden vorgestellt, um unvollkommene Ideen gemeinsam zu teilen, auszutauschen und weiterzuentwickeln. Das Angebot umfasst auch die Möglichkeit, als Zuschauer:in oder Feedback-Gebende:r teilzunehmen. Die Teilnahme steht Künstler:innen aller künstlerischen Richtungen offen, unabhängig von akademischem Hintergrund. Interessierte können Ausschnitte aus laufenden Projekten teilen und selbst entscheiden, welche Art von Austausch sie benötigen. Der Platz ist begrenzt und eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.